Courses are open for anyone as from 12 to … year. Beginners or advanced sailors. Couples, singles, families or companies, everyone is welcome! It does not make any difference whether you are an old hand or beginner. The only requirements is that you are capable to swim and do not have any real physical limitations. Sailing is a “technical” sport but does require some physical strength so that why there is a minimum age applies.
Minimum number of participants is 2, maximum 4. This means you can book for your own, but a combination with other people will be made. If you book as a couple a combination with an other couple may be made, or not. When making combinations there will always be one language to be spoken by the whole crew. This may be Dutch, German or English.
For companies
Whether you would like to do some teambuilding or just want to have a pleasant time out under supervision of a qualified experienced instructor you are welcome with a maximum of 7 people. Being with an inexperienced crew most of the time and sailing on a rather large lake a wind limitation of 5B applies. Safety for all.
Please send me a mail to request for availability and prices.